Hi Everyone,
My sister who does the amazing photography for my blog JacobandJamie submitted this awesome Lemon Sponge recipe for you guys to make and enjoy. I absolutely love it so I know you will!

"This is a delicous, super easy, light and fluffy, Lemony Sponge cake that I know you'll love! Everything used it is in 125 grams so it's real easy to remember. The more you enjoy making it, the better it tastes so don't forget to have lots of fun."
My sister who does the amazing photography for my blog JacobandJamie submitted this awesome Lemon Sponge recipe for you guys to make and enjoy. I absolutely love it so I know you will!
Time: Roughly 35 minutes
Serves: 8-10
1) First you'll need to preheat your oven to 180ºc and grease your tin. (I like to butter it and then sprinkle some flour around evenly, just to be sure that it doesn't stick to the bottom.) Put 125g of lightly salted butter in a bowl with 125g of golden caster sugar and place it in the microwave for 30 sec. until it's a yummy, gooey, melted mess. (You could do it in a saucepan over the hob.) Once that's done stir it around (use a whisk if you can, it's much easier and makes the sponge fluffier too.)
"And there you go, your cake's done! If you want a two tier cake, simply double this recipe."
"For decoration, a pretty little dusting of icing sugar on top works, or make a simple butter cream icing and add the other half of your lemon juice to it and the rind. Make sure the cake is good and cooled down before you ice it though!
For extra deliciousness, make a sweet and sticky lemon topping.
Grab another small bowl and pour in the other half of your lemon juice and a nice sprinkle (around two tbsp. more if you fancy being naughty) of golden caster sugar. Mix them both together and pour this all over the cake while it's still hot, then serve. This makes the cake a bit gooey-er rather than the fluffier version but you can try both and see what one you prefer.
With Love,
Thanks so much, Charis, brilliant post and recipe! If you are reading this and know of a recipe that you would like to share then write to me at onedeliciousman@gmail.com right now for your very own post right here on YourBlog!. This is an online food community for everyone to be a part of so get in your kitchens; I know you are all out there and that you are capable of more than you make yourself believe!
God Bless!
God Bless!
"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly
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