Friday, 25 October 2013

Abbie Berger's Spicy Samosas

 Readers, I had the privilege of trying these just fantastic, little darlings when visiting Abbie's family and I have to say that, man, are they good! If Indian food is your thing then try them with these two recipes below:
 Now, have a read of the recipe below and get cooking...

Prep time: 2 hours | Cook time: 1 hour | Makes 46 samosas


-10 cups white flour

-1/2 cup olive oil


-5 lbs cooked ground beef

-5 medium potatoes

-1 onion

-4 ½ heaping tablespoons curry powder

-4 ½ heaping tablespoons ginger

-2 ½ tablespoons dried chili pepper flakes

-1 ½ tablespoons cumin

-1 tablespoon coriander

-¼ teaspoon cinnamon

-½ teaspoon ground pepper

-1 ¼ teaspoon salt

 "Mix the flour and oil together thoroughly. Keep mixing while adding water; a little at a time. Knead for five minutes. Dough should form a smooth ball and be easy to roll out. Place dough back in bowl and cover with a clean cloth. Chop potatoes and onion finely. Add meat and place over low heat. Add remaining ingredients (spices). When potatoes and onions are cooked remove from heat. Grease three cookie sheets well. Grab a small section of dough (slightly larger than a golf ball) and roll out into an oval. Cut the oval in half. [see figure 4] Join corners A and B and form seam. [see figure 5] Carefully fill pastry with a spoonful of filling. [see figure 6] Seal pastry by gentle pressing the dough together and place on greased cookie sheet.
 "Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit with convection on. Before placing the completed samosas in the oven gently brush with olive oil. Repeat 2-3 times throughout baking time. Flip samosas half way through baking to make them crisp all over. Remove when they are at a desired brownness. This is a great main dish served with curried rice and yoghurt on the side. Enjoy!"

 Thank you so much, Abbie. A really great post with some fantastic photos too! I can't wait to try these when I get home...
"This is a great main dish served with curried
rice and yoghurt on the side. Enjoy!"
 If you are reading this and can think of a recipe that you would like to share then don't hesitate; you could have your very own post right here on YourBlog!. Just write to me at now. This is an online food community so let's get sharing!


"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly